Git cheatsheet
git init
: initialize an empty Git repository
git clone <repository_url>
:clone an existing Git repository
git add .
: add all the files/directory files to git
git commit -m "message"
:commit all the staged files to git
git status
: show the status of your Git repository
git remote -v
:show remote origin URL
git remote add origin <your_remote_git_url>
:add remote origin URL
git push origin <branch_name>
:push your local changes to remote repository
git log
: show logs of git commit
git reset <commit_id>
:the commit id is removed from the history and the files related to it get unstagged
git remote add upstream <URL>
: to set upstream URL
git tag <tag_name>
create lightweight tag
git tag -a <tag_name>
to create an annotated tag
git tag
: to list all the stored tags in the repo
git push origin <tag_name>
: push tag to the remote repository
git branch
: show all the branches of git repo
git checkout <branch_ name>
: checkout to an existing branch
git checkout -b <branch_name>
: checkout to a new branch
git branch -d <branch_name>
: remove a branch from git
git branch -m rename branch
:to rename a branch
git stash
:to stash staged item
git stash -u
: to stash staged/un-tracked items
git stash pop stash@{n}
: remove the changes from stash and apply them to working files
git stash apply stash@{n}
:To apply a stash and keep it in the stash cache
git stash list
:show git stash history
git stash branch
:stash work on a separate branch
git stash drop
:drops the top stash
Thank you for reading!!